Posted by: Taong Grasa | May 27, 2008


It all started when I’m with my friend discussing latest technologies, exchanging knowledge about different programming languages, RDBMS, how many girls he have that week ang many more.. he is a Oracle programmer in one of biggest software company in the world. Yes! you heard it right.. I have a Oracle programmer friend even though I’m only a “Taong Grasa”. He mentions that he is using TOAD for administrating an Oracle Database.. I Said.. what? TOAD? what kind of software is that to be name like that??? But it turns out that its a great tool on administrating an RDBMS and it is not only for Oracle but the a TOAD for SQL Server, DB2 and MySQL. The good thing is that in MySQL you will never be confine on using phpMyAdmin. I have nothing againts phyMyAdmin but I’m only saying that TOAD is much better to use bacause it can connect to multiple MySQL Databases both local or in your hostings and it is way to faster epecially when connecting to your Database in your hosting.


  1. diagram of toad

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